Youth Ministry

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Vacation Bible School

Have fun learning about the bible



Join us at our upcoming Vacation Bible School from 15-19 July. Ages 3 and up are welcome!  VBS is a free event and includes a tasty meal for everyone attending.  Spread the word. Our last Vacation Bible School was a renowned success with 62 children from our church and local community. This year the children will have an amazing fun-filled week with the exciting “Monumental” program! Children will go off-road for a Monumental adventure through the colorful canyons and sunbaked trails of the southwest. By exploring God’s awesomeness, kids form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead. Come join us for another week of fun, Christ-centered activities for children of all ages.  Volunteers are needed to ensure this will be another amazing experience for the children, so contact Sarah R to assist. Click on the registration link below to register for VBS.

Click Here to Register for VBS →

Sunday School

Strengthening relationships with God



Join us each week for Sunday School following worship service. Currently, Sunday School involves children and adults of all ages in one class.  Our curriculum this year is called “Whirl.”  There are activities, crafts, videos and lots of fun!  Our adults help the children navigate through the easy-to-use Whirl curriculum.  There is also a separate adult Bible Study class. Join us to strengthen your relationship with God. Click on the link below to register for Sunday School.

Register for Sunday School here

Confirmation Classes

making a personal profession of faith


Confirmation CLASSES

Confirmation classes are in full swing and teach our youth about Martin Luther's theology on...

the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's PrayerHoly BaptismConfession, and the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Confirmation classes are intended for youth from 7th grade and above and typically meet every other week during the months of October through May.  This is a two-year program to help youth grow in their faith through the study of the scriptures and Luther's Catechism, concluding with the Rite of Affirmation of Baptism.  The Rite of Confirmation provides an opportunity for the child, relying on God's promise given in Baptism, to make a personal public profession of the faith and a lifelong pledge of faithfulness to Christ.  Confirmation classes teach our youth about Martin Luther's theology on the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Holy Baptism, Confession, and the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Children's Church

Learning and sharing God's word


Children's church

Children’s Church is currently suspended, but classes are normally held in our upper building the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month during the main worship service.  Children’s Church is intended for kids 4 years old through 3rd grade.  Our youth learn the same lessons and Gospel used in the Sunday services, and there is inspirational music and entertaining arts and crafts activities that keep the children interested.

Festival Events

Easter Egg Hunt - Pentecost - children’s choir - Christmas Activities


Festival events

Various events are held throughout the year to celebrate Christian festivals and feasts, such as Pentecost, Advent, an Easter egg hunt, Reformation Sunday games, and Christmas. Our younger youth also make a joyful noise to God by occasionally singing during our worship services.

Advent, Christmas and Epiphany Ideas for the Family

Field Trips

Lasting memories with friends

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Field Trips

 Trips to the beach and other local places reward and recognize children for their focus on God, youth ministry and service.

Child Service Events

Helping others

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Our youth are valued and loved members of our congregation family who enthusiastically assist our outreach ministry.  They help organize and perform various service activities during the year that encourage them to value the importance of service to others.  Some events include parent participation, which helps strengthen family bonds and purpose.


Fitness, fun and friendships



Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is one of the very few churches in our local area that has indoor, climate-controlled facilities available for youth to play basketball, volleyball, and dodgeball....ideal for hot summers, rainy days, and cold winters.  Activities for families are occasionally scheduled, and kids can play sports at our facilities with their friends.

National ELCA Youth Gathering

Fellowship, service, bible study and christian learning



Our high-school age youth have the opportunity to attend this exciting national gathering of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  It is held every 3 years in a different U.S. city.  Each convention has a specific theme, with each theme focused on certain scripture passages from the Bible.  The gathering lasts 5 days, and each day is focused on different kinds of service.  Aspects of this inspirational meeting for youth include faith formation, worship, Bible study, fellowship, service, and interactive learning.  This is a positive and purposeful way to influence God's activity in the lives of our young people.  Several of our youth and adult chaperones attended the gathering in Houston with 31,000 other children who all experienced fun, Christ-centered events that will forever transform their lives through new friendships, learning, personal growth, and lasting positive memories.  We can't wait for the next National ELCA Youth Gathering scheduled for 2024 in New Orleans.

Youth Sunday

Once A Year - Youth Led Service

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Our annual Youth Sunday Christmas Program happens in December. One of our pastors is available to distribute the elements for Communion during the service. Once a year our youth lead a Sunday service with songs, a puppet show, scripture readings, and inspirational service messages.  This is an important way for our youth to demonstrate leadership, share the Word with others, and embrace the importance of God in their lives.

Giving Tree

The power of a simple gift


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The Giving Tree is a Women’s Circle and youth-sponsored event held during the Christmas season each year that allows congregation members and visitors to purchase various gifts of clothing, personal care items, toys, games, or gift cards for needy children, women, and families in our local community.  This initiative supports two non-profit charities: Children in Crisis and Opportunity Place. Opportunity Place provides shelter and supportive services for homeless families and single women, while Children in Crisis provides shelter for abused, neglected, and abandoned children in our community. The Giving Tree is located in the lobby of the Christian Life Center and contains ornaments with specific items listed on the back. You can take as many ornaments as you like, then bring both the ornaments and un-wrapped donations back, and put them under the tree. No matter how small, all gifts can have an enormous impact on the lives of those in our local community as we show they are truly loved and valued.